Monday, April 9, 2007

Let's Play a Game...

brought to you by the Saw trilogy.

Okay...I know its been awhile but at least I have something good to share!!!


I have been talking to this guy for a lil while, maybe a few weeks, but we had been talking like a year ago and we he up and called owt the blue and I must say I was geeked, b/c he was the coolest guy eber!

He was like that one guy in the club that I watch all night, trust me those are rare for me...I hardly eber find someone that makes me nervous, and he does just that (I'm whack) and I like it! I like him...he's just really cool. Not to mention he dresses really well, has dreads, dark brown skin, great build, haute swag, and to top it off ooh wee he drives a RANGE!!! HEY HEY BITCHES!!! Okay so on to the more important features (well I guess), um he is a good listener, he's funny (sometimes), extremely smart (which kinda intimidates me) he's laid back, he's sociable, he has a fulfilling career (woo hoo), no kids (that I know of), no wifeys (again that I know of)...he's just real cool just like me, w/o all my extra weirdness, lol!

So on to the on last night we had this conversation (it was only about me, I wonder why....hmmm...) how I behave in relationships:@ ease or still on guard. Well I am usually @ ease b/c once I have gotten to the relationship stat I have usually gotten really comfortable and trusting (but still a little defensive, lol)! Anyway on to real meat of the convo and my topic of he asked if I had ever cheated on my exes, and the answer is yes, a BIG yes, b/c I have cheated on all of them w/the exception of 1, the last, and his ass shoulda been the main one (nother post, nother day)! Lol, that's not funny but it kinda is. So he was like WOWZER, what the hell am I supposed to say to that??? I was like what you mean. He: Well I meanI should just quit now, huh?! Me: Naw, naw I've changed (little white lie never hurt anyone) He: Well prove it! Me: Prove it?! What you saying (gettin real extra nervous) He: Okay here's the deal, for 2 weeks we're in a committed relationship, all the basic rules and regulations, if you gotta think about if the other person would disapprove then they probably would but get clarification just in case, @ the end of the weeks if you have been faithful I will take you on my next vacation. However if you can't make it you have to wait on me hand and foot for the weekend, of my choice. Me: Sure, I accept, that's easy, I can do that! He: You also have to tell your friends, making them aware, b/c if they don't know its not even real, right?! Riight! Me: Hesitating, um yeah okay I'll tell em!

Now on to today...Here's my thoughts: Dayum GINA! My ass forgot that I am going to ATLANTA this weekend, and I cuts the fool owt there man, then Imma be w/the debil herself, MoeSHUS (who by the way I haven't told and she gonna be like WTH man, youz a fool, you better not do that dumb shit, or yeah do it and just don't tell him what you do while you owt there)! Anyway, NOT a good look! WTF was I thinking?! Clearly I was not! Just excited about the challenge and proving him wrong! I LIVE for a challenge and I hate being wrong! So now I'm fucked!!! WHAT do I do?! I think Imma ask him if we can push it back to May, lol, but no like I'm serious right now...can we seriously push it back to May?! This is just not a good week, matter fact month for me...I have 2 trips planned and I knows I'm not behaving! SHIIIIIIIIIT!!!! Mind you he lives in STL, and you do recall my previous post re: my addiction, um so um yeah...Iun hardly know what the hell I was doing man!

Iunno man, Iun just know how Imma handle this one...on the real this is like a test of my I really changing or just frontin for my convienence??? I have been working on my Selfish vs. Selfless post for a minute now...I think that one will be posted very soon....or maybe I should wait until after the A....hmmm...damn the I'm about to....wooooo weeee...Y'all ain't even much ready man!

Okay I gotta get outta here, but this is to be I'll keep you posted!

POB...for now!

~S. Parks

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