Monday, May 14, 2007

Hey Mama,

(brought to you in part by Ye's (KanYe West) "Hey Mama" from the Late Registration album)
You know @ this time in my life my mommy and I, are ALWAYS arguing!
HOWEVER, the Lord said "honor thy father and mother", for they are your parents...its just that simple!
Yeah man! Its hard esp. w/my mom...this lady is NUTZ, but I LOVE her nonetheless.
I know its so cliche' to say "you gonna miss her when she's gone" but its the truff!
As much as my momma drives me insane, no like really over the edge, I cannot and chose not to imagine life w/o her!
All the harassing/annoying phone calls throughout the more!
All the times I need rescuing like only a mother can more!
All the times I need to complain about my looney "faja" more!
All the times I want to know how I behaved as a more!
All the times I need money and I'm "too proud to beg" anyone else for more!
All the times I want some really GOOD food, like only my mommy can more!

So today and all the days of my/her life I will cherish thee, MOMMEE!
She's MY MOMMA...the only Mama I have known...she's my real #1...I love my momma!

And y'all love my momma too...why b/c she made the best thing since the 1st Micheal Jordan comeback...ME...duh! I'm apart of her (whether I like it or not), so thanks Mom, you did good!

I'm a woman b/c of you, a confident, strong, God-fearing, educated, compassionate, intelligent (she didn't let me watch cartoons, like @ all period...I didn't even know I was missing out on until like age 10...went to school...hearing these folk talk about all the latest cartoons...I'm like "uh that didn't come on my cartoons talked about how to learn my multiplication" lol)!

Anyways, thanks Mom for that special song you'd sing to me when I was on the verge of giving up..."just believe in yourself, as I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!" If you know my mother you know how she sang this to me, and if for nothing else I did my work so she would @ least STOP no, I love my mom's singing (shhh don't tell her I said that), it makes her unique, along w/her obsession for purple!

Okay, so that's my ode to my mommy and all the mommies out there...from your children...we just wanna say...You're the best Mom ever...priceless!

Thanks Moms and Happy Mommy's day!


and w/that I'm out...
Good day, good folks!

~S. Parks

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