Friday, June 22, 2007

Step 2: Withdrawal

So...about 3 months ago I wrote a post entitled: "Hi my name is Shanette and I'm an addict..." Well this is kinda piggy-backing off that post...

I know I neglected Step 1, which is Deprivation, but that was b/c I did not even realize I had experienced Step 1 until I reached Step 2, which just happened to occur this morning.

Now in case you aren't a faithful reader of the The Life & Times of S dot Parks (I'm just a the world...) not only are you a loser (j/k'ing...not really are a loser, but we understand) but you also might not be familiar with my addiction. Well, its the #2 evil of the world S E X (#1 is of course the: GREEN, baby, and no, not the kind you smoke!). The other day Moe described it as the DEVIL in the flesh, and DAMNIT! I concur. That shit is a beast!!! I wasn't even trying to tame it but gotsdamn not having it regularly as I have been in recent months is really driving me! No like seriously I got the shakes...okay maybe that's an exaggeration but that's how sincere I am.

Now I understand that I am a pretty horny person by nature. Not sure if that equates to being a very sexual person or even a nympho. I might just be addicted to the idea of sex...hmmm...naan its the ACT! I mean I don't have to...everyday...more like every other day. Actually I don't have sex alot. I'm better when I do though...Its like okay you know I told you I have issues w/sex, so sometimes I'll go like several months even a year of no sex, but oh when I start back I'm seriously like a damn rabbit, and my game is all off...b/c I'm anxious and tryna make up for lost time or some shit. So I'll be all unfocused and really tunnel-visioned....No good right? Right! So I'll either give it up again cold-turkey or try to re-gain control and pace myself like a "normal" person...whatever that means. But like seriously I've been grinding so tuff that my sex is life is dwindling...sux to be me huh...YUP! So I woke up this morning like literally in a panic-lol! No I'm serious *insert straight face*

I was like OMGosh, I can't recall the last time I had sex...its getting serious!!! EEK! HELP...Help me PLEASE! The next step is insanity...and I'm rapidly approaching! Then I will be a real certified B I T C H!! Then I'll die...come back...and just be I know...that's my life...sad...but I'm working (my whole entire life, besides all my #1s) on it! Give me a minute...Imma be SO on in 5 mo minutes...Iunno bout my sex life but my deck life will def be poppin! So haters keep hating-lol I just wanted to throw that in b/c I like that new song by Sister Jill Scott!

BTW-when I say off my game, or unfocused, or needing to pace myself...I'm not referring to my sex game-I'm not one to brag on such things as that but um yeah...nuff said. I'm actually referring to my state of mind, my grind, my hustle...might get a little off track when sex is know how that shit can make a nigga vision cloudy as the fuck!

(sighs) so...Iunno...Iun just know...Imma see what I can do though...b/c this right here...right now...on today is NOT what's hott...and we know that is conflicting w/my summer plans man! NO GOOD, NO GOOD @ all! Hopefully by Essence I'll be cool one way or the other, if not Imma be a beast @ Essence GET READY BITCHES...I don't love these hoes!

Side note: Damn you "2nd chance" Damn YOU to HELL!!! GIT man! REAL talk!

Yeah and where is "JO" you're asking? Out of town...AGAIN...our schedules are rather conflicting this summer...I think I had a mini-break down right there...okay I'm back!

aight the sexpot is signing out...I need some coffee...the hell! I gots to maintain @ least 1 vice!

Good Friday. Good People.

~S. Parks

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