Thursday, October 18, 2007

Key2Life: Exercise Meditation Sex

According to Oprah's guest Dr. Northrup, on Tuesday's show (not that I watch...but my sister does)...3 great ways for women to get healthy doses of pleasure:


"Those things increase beta-endorphin in the brain," Dr. Northrup says. "It's the natural morphine-like substance and you absolutely need it for mood modulation. And if you don't get it naturally through meditation, exercise or sex, you will get it abnormally through drugs and alcohol and sugar. You're going to go for pleasure because your body needs to have pleasure. You need it. But I'd much rather have you get it deliberately in healthy doses."

The show was actually geared towards menopausal women but I realized the things being discussed were vital for women @ any age. Healthy lifestyles. Putting yourself 1st. Acknowledging that you are in fact a person w/feelings not a machine or a robot who cooks, cleans, wifes, mothers, etc...
A lack of focus on yourself can really be detrimental to one's health. Not just women but men as well. Though I focus on women, b/c I am one & b/c women tend to be the more self-less sex. Its just in our nature. We are natural givers...until we've given all we have & there's nothing left. Mind you life is going on. Everyone around you has moved on & in retrospect you're all used up...w/no one to blame but YOU!

I have always been a HUGE giver. BUT. In recent (last 2) years I've been focusing more so on myself. What I like to do. Who I am. Who I want to be. Not (trying @ least) allowing others to interfere w/my happiness. Though people do try whether consciously or sub-consciously...the devil is ALWAYS busy!!!

Anyways, I've been having a ruff past few months w/family, boys & life in general. Wait no. Let me rewind. I no longer allow boys to wreck any flow I have. Why? b/c they just are NOT worth...too many out here & they all I say "fuck it...Imma dawg too! We all dawgs! ROO!!!" Fast Forward. So I've just realized I've once again allowed other people's lives to consume me. Something I vowed I would never do. In 2005, I had a ridiculously "trying" year. Break-ups, Hurricanes, Losses all around. Taught me a lot about relationships, trust, & most importantly ME! In 2006, I made a vow to myself to live for ME...b/c if I don't who will? NO ONE! No one can love me more than ME! (well aside from Jesus)

So as I watched this show. I realized I've gotten away from that. The promise I made w/myself. I know times get tuff & that's okay. I'm fine w/that. However, I'm NOT fine w/self-neglect to the point of breakdown. Though its for a good cause. I'm closely involved w/those I love. I go above & beyond the average person. I actually pride myself on my ability to do so...but there has to be a BALANCE. Key word that most people forget. I'm not a good balancer by far. I spend too much. Save too little. I think too much. Act too little. I give too much. Receive too little. I work too much. Paid too little. There has to be a balance. There will be struggle & pain, but w/confidence you have won even before you have started.

Hence I must get back to the small things that make me happy...just so happens to be exercise, meditation (yoga) & SEX (WOOHOO my fave-YES)! Other stuff too...Starbucks, trips, "new stuff"...otherwise I'm on the brink of losing my mind!!! And we can't have that now can we...esp in birthday indeed!!! ;)

So remember you are the creator of your own destiny...God created us in His image. Hence we already Great we just have to recognize the greatness & maximize its potential. He wants us to be happy so why do we settle for less than??? Well y'all, cus uh...I'm NOT! I don't settle. I don't deal. I do. I make. I am.

"I'm free! Look @ ME! Freedom in high fidelity! FREE!" ~Gnarls Barkley

And on that not my free & happy (& horny) ass is I'm blowing!

HOLLA scholars!


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