Think about that for a moment...can you imagine dedicating your entire existence to assure that not even you, maybe not even your children but the future children, maybe your great grands & their generation have a better life. Can you imagine that, that's like totally insane! No? You suffer. You fight. You die. All in the name of justice, freedom, equality...for the future!!! AMAZING! I can't even express in words how that affects my mind, my soul.
I mean I don't really like talking about all the different things that have happened to the black community, just b/c I can't really handle it w/o getting angry. I haven't really experienced blatant racism in my life, so I have little to compare anything to, but I think its important for young Black America to remain abreast of their history, not just to avoid repeating the past but for a clear sense of self. That knowledge can enable us to be a better people. To pattern those before us, to create a better future for ourselves and those to come. Its imperative. Its critical! Its life saving.
I have always thought about how I my life can be a vessel, a model, for my peers, for the younger generation. I would hate for the work of my immediate ancestors, grandparents, parents even to be a waste b/c I chose not to be to carry out their efforts. That is a huge fear of mine.
So...I try not get so full of myself. Which is why I took a trip to the National Civil Rights Museum this week. I learned SO much...I needed like a whole day I will definitely return, maybe next Monday. It is truly amazing to know I come from such greatness. I don't think people understand that struggle=character=GREATNESS! Those people who sacrificed their lives for you & me, gave us definition, which is why we MUST know who we are, where we come from, what we're capable of doing. Look @ how far God has brought us as a people...from being classified as less than a person to a presidential hopeful...WOW!!! AWESOME!!!
Here's a few pictures from the Museum (that I wasn't supposed to take, but I couldn't enjoy & be inspired!)...
"WHITE ONLY" (Backwards)
"3/5 of a Man"
Conversation between Mrs. Corretta Scott King & Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 4/16/63, while he was in jail.
Malcolm the Great!!!
Sonia Sanchez on Bro. Malcolm.
They died for us to VOTE!!!
"Black Panther Party"
"The room, balcony where Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot & killed."
My sister & the kids reenacting the shooting scene.
"The Lorraine Motel/Natl Civil Rights Museum"
This lady has been boycotting the museum for like 8,000 days, literally! She believes MLK would've wanted it to be used for better purposes, like outreach, etc.
Educate Yourselves.
Happy Black History Month.
Its America's hiSTORY!
~S. Parks
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